Thursday, June 18, 2009

it is

officially summmmmmatime! so stoked its unbeliable. finished exams, finished grade 11, worst/toughest/stupidest year of my life to date.

i really think you're really cute. really. agh!

this weekend will be a good one >:)

i can finally starting reading again! i have time to do things now! weeeeeeeeeeoooooooow!!!

i'm so tired but i have so much to do before saturday. hopefully it will be a good night. i like the smell of laundry.

on a different note - i get the feeling we're so misdirected, i get the feeling we have lost control. so now i'll turn you to the new religion, we're dropping out into the so unknown. its always a good day when you can quote jack's mannequin.

shaleesa + char mission counter - 2.

my hair is stupid, and i think you're cute. did i mention that?


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