Sunday, July 26, 2009

the things that i love

this is what i mean when i say i find beauty in the simpler things.

> noticing that a pair of siblings have the same nose, or same eyes, or same jawline, and saying 'hey, they must be related' [ i don't know if anyone really means when i say that i love this, cause it sounds kinda creepy when i write it out. ]

> the diversity of coffee mugs in my kitchen cabinet, and that they are displayed in the only cabinet with glass

> standing on my front veranda when its pouring, and i mean POURING rain. i don't get wet but i feel immersed in the weather

> sun flooding in from my mom's california shutters on a sunday afternoon

> people watching. and when i see someone particularily upset, deciding for myself why they are upset

> blurry pictures that only show up as circles of colour

> being told what i said the night before when i had too much to drink. it makes me smile because its the only times when i don't have complete control

> making the perfect pancake

> rebecca mahadeo's writing, her people analysies

> completing a sudoku puzzle without having to use a pencil

> finding typos in the newspaper. even giant corporations make mistakes

> 'Morning' by Andrew Bravener

this will be added to.


  1. k, i was just saying "blurry pictures that only show up as circles of colour" were absolutely stunning, they show that somethings there but without focus you feel the heat and the vibe but you dont need to see it all. it's more of a feeling rather than seeing.

    completing a sudoku puzzle without having to use a pencil = smarty !

    andrew bravener, i just want to give him a big hug and say thanks.

    i love mistakes :) i love ju <3

    blogging = our thing next year fck lookbook aha!

  2. YES <3 we will own blogspot
    and we will make vlogs :)
    grade 13 ftw :) fuck grade 11!
