Sunday, April 26, 2009

for the record

1. she's my friend. i'm going to want to see her every so often . i understand that you don't like her, doesn't change the fact that i do. don't be mad at me for living my life. ( i'm not trying to be rude, it just needs to be said ) .

2. it ISN'T funny when you offer me meat. i don't eat it, and the joke is not going to be funny forever. and it never was to begin with. 'ooh, a hamburger. i know charlotte will like that. ha fucking ha.' you sound like an idiot. ( this isn't directed at anyone in particular, a ton of people have done it ) .

3. i'm not going to talk if i'm upset.

4. i smoke weed, get over it.

5. holding grudges, i'll admit, is something i used to excel at. i've come to realize that they do nobody any good and are an entire waste of energy. live and let live. if you have a problem with somebody, don't let it become an aspect of your life.

6. no matter what i do, somebody is going to be mad at me. sometimes its going to be you. i do what i can. its not my job to belong to one person. i can only try to make a sad face a happy one.

i don't know where i'm going with this. i have to read hamlet. i have air traffic stuck in my head. i love aqualung. and danny noriega is an idiot.

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